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Sexual Health Education Research

The following works focus on improving sexuality education for youth, including both adolescents and young adults. 




Ishaq*, J., Munshi*, I., Liebhardt*, B., & Goncy, E. A. (2023). Identifying gaps in sexual health education: What women learned and what women wish they learned. American Journal of Sexuality Education, 18, 4, 523-539.


Clonan-Roy, K., Naser, S., Fuller, K., & Goncy, E.A. (2023). Sexual and gender diverse youth's marginalization in school-based sex education and development of adaptive competencies. Psychology in the Schools, 60, 2592-2609. http://10.1002/pits.22881


Munshi*, I., Ishaq*, J., Liebhardt*, B., & Goncy, E. A. (2023). Maternal communication about sexual content and ease of access to contraceptives. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 52, 1607-1616.


Naser, S., Fuller, K., Goncy, E. A., Clonan-Roy, K., Williams*, A., & DeBoard*, A. (2022). Describing the silencing of LGBTQ+ identities in middle and high school sex education. Contemporary School Psychology.


Fuller, K.A., Clonan-Roy, K., Goncy, E. A. & Naser, S. (2022). The omission and minimization of sexual decision-making skills within U.S. sex education textbooks. Sex Education, 22, 409-423.


Naser, S., Clonan-Roy, K., Fuller, K., Goncy, E. A., & Wolf*, N. (2022). Exploring the experiences and responses of LGBTQ+ adolescents to school-based sex education. Psychology in the Schools, 59, 34-50.


Clonan-Roy, K. L., Goncy, E. A., Naser, S. C., Fuller, K. A., DeBoard*, A., Williams*, A., & Hall*, A. (2021). Preserving abstinence and preventing rape: How sex education textbooks contribute to rape culture. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50, 231-245.

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