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Student Presentations on Dating Abuse and Relationships

A heavy research focus of the HEART lab is on dating abuse. These recent projects include themes of abuse within the context of romantic relationships, including perpetration and victimization of interpersonal violence. Many of these projects also focus on other characteristics of relationships such as attachment style and relationship satisfaction.




Basting*, E. J., Munshi*, I., Harangozo*, J., Dongarra*, M., & Goncy, E. A. (2023). When does technology use within dating relationships cross the line? A thematic content analysis of semi-structured interviews with young adults. Psychology of Violence. https://doi-org.10.1037/vio0000479


Sullivan, T. N., O’Connor, K., Goncy, E. A., Garthe, R. C., Hitti, S. A., & Farrell, A. D. (2022). Patterns of dating and peer aggression among early adolescents: Relations with individual, peer, and school factors. Psychology of Violence, 12(3), 137–148.



Church*, E., & Goncy, E. A. (2022, April). Does rumination moderate the associations between dating abuse and psychopathology? Presentation submitted to the 2022 Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.


Munshi*, I., Letizio*, & Goncy, E. A. (2022, April). Associations between romantic satisfaction and dating abuse among dating couples. Presentation at the 2022 Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.


Dongarra*, M., Tytler*, C., & Goncy, E. A. (2021, March). Do emotion regulation strategies mediate the association between dating abuse and internalizing symptoms? Poster presentation to the 2021 Sociey for Research on Adolescence, New Orleans, LA.


Munshi*, I., & Goncy, E. A. (2021, November).  Does depression and affect relate to dating abuse perpetration and victimization history among emerging adults?  Poster presented to the 2021 Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood annual conference, virtual.


Munshi*, I., & Goncy, E. A. (2021, November). Trauma symptoms and dating abuse perpetration and victimization: Examination of gender, sexual orientation, and race as moderators among emerging adults. Paper presented to the 2021 Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood annual conference, virtual.


McDermott*, E., & Goncy, E. A. (2021, October). Relationship satisfaction as a protective factor against aggressive tendencies in military related couples with posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. Presented to the San Antonio Virtual Combat PTSD Conference, virtual. 


Munshi*, I., Cowan*, J., & Goncy, E. A. (2021, August). Gender, attachment, and romantic relationship satisfaction: Testing novel methodology. Poster presentation to the 2021 American Psychological Association annual conference, virtual.


Munshi*, I., & Goncy, E. A. (2021, July). Does self-blaming and catastrophizing associate with dating abuse victimization and perpetration in dating young adults? Poster presentation to the 2021 British Psychological Society Division of Counseling Psychology annual conference, virtual.


Harangozo*, J., Letizio*, H., Lynn*, C., Bull*, F., Frimpong*, N., & Goncy, E. A. (2021, April). Do facets of agreeableness relate to young adult relationship satisfaction? Poster presentation to the 2021 Midwestern Psychological Association annual conference.

Munshi*, I., & Goncy, E. A. (2021, April). Is social media jealousy in romantic relationships related to depression? Presentation for the 2021 Midwestern Psychological Association annual virtual conference.


Gorski*, E., & Goncy, E. A. (2021, April). Emotional and physical dating abuse in heterosexuals and sexual minorities. Paper presentation for the 93rd annual convention of the Midwestern Psychological Association, virtual.


Gorski*, E., Goncy, E. A., & the THRiVE collaborative (2021, April). Sexual education and sexual minority status associated with IPV victimization. Paper presentation for the 93rd annual convention of the Midwestern Psychological Association, virtual.


Dieleman*, M., Knickerbocker*, N., & Goncy, E. A. (2021, April). Interpersonal versus other trauma: Association with fear of intimacy. Poster presentation to the 2021 Midwestern Psychological Association annual conference, virtual.


Knickerbocker*, N., Dieleman*, M., & Goncy, E. A. (2021, April). Are fear of intimacy and post-traumatic stress disorder correlated?  Poster presentation to the 2021 Midwestern Psychological Association annual conference, virtual.


Breen*, H., & Goncy, E. A. (2021, April). Romantic relationship satisfaction may protect against PTSD symptoms. Poster presentation at the 93rd annual convention of the Midwestern Psychological Associat­­­ion, virtual.


Breen*, H. & Goncy, E. A. (2020, November). PTSD arousal symptoms mediate the relationship between adverse life experiences and dating abuse. Poster presented virtually at the 2020 International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Virtual conference.


Basting*, E., Dunn*, C., & Goncy, E.A. (2020, November). Does study methodology inflate the association between parent-to-child aggression and later dating abuse? A meta-analytic investigation. Poster presented at the 54th annual convention of the Association for Behavioral Cognitive Therapies conference, virtual conference.


Basting*, E. & Goncy, E.A., (2020, November). Linking corporal punishment approval and dating abuse perpetration among young adults: the effect of catastrophizing and trait forgiveness. Poster presented at the 54th annual convention of the Association for Behavioral Cognitive Therapies conference, virtual conference.


Basting*, E., Wolf*, N., & Goncy, E.A. (2020, November). Is early substance use initiation related to increased revictimization risk in young adult dating relationships? Poster presented at the 54th annual convention of the Association for Behavioral Cognitive Therapies conference, virtual conference.


Frazier*, E., Barillas*, K. L., Gorski*, E. J., Basting*, E. J., & Goncy, E. A. (2021, July). An examination of severity of intimate partner violence within same-sex and opposite-sex couples. Poster accepted to the 24th biennial 2021 International Society for Research on Aggression, Ottawa, Canada. (Conference postponed one year)


Dunn*, C. B., Basting*, E., & Goncy, E. A. (2020, May, submitted). Parent-child aggression and dating abuse during adolescence and young adulthood: A meta-analytic review. Poster submitted to the 2020 annual convention of the Society for Prevention Research, Washington, DC. (Conference cancelled – virtual presentation)


Frazier*, E., Barillas*, K., & Goncy, E. A. (2020, April). Perceptions of same-sex and opposite-sex intimate partner violence using vignettes. Poster presentation at the 92nd annual convention of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. (Conference cancelled)


Wolf*, N. P., Basting*, E. J., Goncy, E. A., and the THRiVE collaborative (2020, April). Neglectful childhood experiences, intimate partner violence, and the moderating role of early sex initiation. Poster submitted to the annual convention of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Denver, CO. (Conference cancelled)


Wolf*, N. P., Basting*, E. J., & Goncy, E. A. (2020, April). Threatening behavior victimization and depression: the moderating roles of meaning-based coping mechanisms. Poster submitted to the annual 2020 ResilienceCon, Nashville, TN. (Conference cancelled)


Frazier*, E., Barillas*, K., Gorski*, E., Basting*, E., & Goncy, E. A. (2020, March). Gender differences in perceptions of same-sex and opposite-sex intimate partner violence. Paper presentation at the 125th annual convention of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA. (Conference cancelled)


Basting*, E., Dunn*, C., & Goncy, E.A. (2020, March). A meta-analysis exploring the global effect of parent-child aggression on later dating abuse in adolescence and young adulthood. In E. Basting (Chair), Exposure to violence and subsequent romantic relationship behaviors. Paper to be presented at the 2020 biennial convention of the Society for Research on Adolescence, San Diego, CA. (Conference cancelled)


Herman*, M., Scamaldo*, K., & Goncy, E. (2019, November). The moderating effect of trait forgiveness on the relationships between dating abuse and attitudes toward violence. Poster presented at the 2019 Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Atlanta, GA


Scamaldo*, K., Herman*, M., Bush*, A., & Goncy, E. A. (2019, November). Mediating role of negative affect on the relationship between anxious attachment style and trait forgiveness. Poster to be presented to the 2019 Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Atlanta, GA.


Gorski*, E., & Goncy, E. A. (2019, October). Attachment-related anxiety moderates depression and help-seeking self-efficacy. Presented at the 2019 Society for the Study of Emerging Adults, Toronto, ON.


Oleksy*, E. M., & Goncy, E. A. (2019, October). Differential contributions of affects, cognitions, and race on forgiveness. Presented at the 2019 Society for the Study of Emerging Adults, Toronto, ON.


Oleksy*, E. M., & Goncy, E. A. (2019, May). Contributions of conscientiousness facets on intimate partner violence. Poster presentation at the 2019 Association for Psychological Science, Washington, D.C.


Oleksy, E. M.*, & Goncy, E. A. (2019, April). The mediating role of fear of intimacy between trait forgiveness and PTSD for young adults. Oral presentation at the 2019 National Conference for Undergraduate Research, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA.


Bush*, A., Scamaldo*, K., & Goncy, E. A. (2019, April). Binge drinking moderates the relationship between dating abuse victimization and perpetration. Oral presentation presented at the 2019 Midwestern Psychological Association conference, Chicago, IL.


Oleksy, E. M.*, & Goncy, E. A. (2019, April). The mediating role of fear of intimacy between trait forgiveness and PTSD for young adults. Oral presentation at the 2019 National Conference for Undergraduate Research, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA.


Gorski*, E., & Goncy, E. A. (2019, April). Physical victimization moderates relationship length mean and help-seeking self-efficacy. Poster presented at the 2019 Midwestern Psychological Association conference, Chicago, IL.


Oleksy*, E. M., & Goncy, E. A. (2019, February). The relationships between trait forgiveness and attachment in dating young adults. Poster at the 2019 Society for Personality and Social Psychology annual meeting, Portland, OR.


Herman*, M., & Goncy, E. A. (2019, February). Moderating effects of dating abuse victimization and perpetration: Examining attachment and emotion regulation. Poster presented at the 2019 Society for Personality and Social Psychology annual meeting, Portland, OR.

Completed Projects

Measurement of Problem Behaviors, Substance Use, and Dating Abuse


Goncy, E. A., & Rothman, E. F. (2019). The reliability and validity of the Dating Abuse Perpetration Acts Scale in an urban, emergency department-based sample of male and female youth. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 34, 2246-2268.


Goncy, E. A., Farrell, A. D., Sullivan, T. N., & Taylor*, K. A. (2016). Measurement of adolescent dating aggression during middle school: Structure, measurement invariance, and distinction from general aggression. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 26, 509-523. http:/


Farrell, A. D., Thompson, E. L., Mehari, K. R., Sullivan, T. N., & Goncy, E. A. (in press, 2018). Assessment of in-person and cyber aggression and victimization, substance use, and delinquent behavior during early adolescence. Assessment.


Farrell, A. D., Goncy, E.A., Sullivan, T. N., & Thompson, E. L. (2018). Evaluation of the Problem Behavior Frequency Scale - Teacher Report Form for assessing behavior in a sample of urban adolescents. Psychological Assessment, 30, 1277-1291. 


Farrell, A. D., Sullivan, T. N., Goncy, E. A., & Le, A. T. H. (2016). Assessment of adolescents’ victimization, aggression, and problem behaviors: Evaluation of the Problem Behavior Frequency Scale. Psychological Assessment, 28, 702-714. http:/


Intergenerational Transmission of Dating Abuse: Meta-analyses 


Dr. Goncy has completed two comprehensive meta-analysis of studies that have examined the impact of interparental violence (mother-to-father, father-to-mother, combined) and parent-to-child violence (mother-to-child, father-to-child, parent-to-child) on perpetration and victimization of dating abuse/violence in both adolescents (ages 10-18) and young adults (ages 18-25). These studies will examine several moderators, including type of violence (e.g., physical, psychological), form (i.e., perpetration, victimization), age (adolescent, young adult), gender (males, females), and location.


Goncy, E. A. Basting*, E., & Dunn*, C. B. (2020). A meta-analysis of parent-child aggression and dating abuse during adolescence and young adulthood. Trauma, Violence, and Abuse. https//


Goncy, E. A. (2020). A meta-analysis of interparental aggression with adolescent and young adulthood physical and psychological dating abuse. Psychology of Violence, 10, 212-222.


Teen dating violence victimization in an urban sample of early adolescents: Measurement, prevalence, trajectories, and consequences (NIJ Grant 2012-IJ-CX-0014)


This project was designed to further the understanding of dating aggression (DA) during early adolescence to guide efforts aimed at early identification and the development of targeted prevention and intervention efforts. This project involved secondary data analysis of longitudinal data from seven cohorts of urban, early adolescents from the Virginia Commonwealth University’s CDC funded Youth Violence Prevention Center study. The main aims of this project were: a) to evaluate the structure, stability, psychometric properties, and content validity of a modified version of the Safe Dates Dating Aggression scale, b) to describe prevalence rates and identify typologies of DA victimization and perpetration in urban early adolescents, c) to examine the extent to which witnessing community violence and victimization are related to DA typologies, d) to establish the relation between DA and mental health as reflected in frequency of aggression, substance use, antisocial behavior, and trauma-related distress, and e) to determine trajectories of DA victimization and perpetration across the three years of middle school (i.e., grades 6 to 8).


Goncy, E. A., Farrell, A. D., & Sullivan, T. N. (in press). A latent growth model of adolescent dating aggression and victimization during middle school. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. doi: 10.1007/s10964-017-0715-3 


Goncy, E. A., Sullivan, T. N., Farrell, A. D., Mehari, K. R., & Garthe, R. C. (in press). Identification of patterns of dating aggression and victimization among urban early adolescents and their relations to mental health symptoms. Psychology of Violence. doi: 10.1037/vio0000039


Goncy, E. A., Farrell, A. D., Sullivan, T. N., & Taylor, K. A. (2015). Measurement of adolescent dating aggression during middle school: Structure, measurement invariance, and distinction from general aggression. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 26, 509-523. doi: 10.1111/jora.12208


Goncy, E. A., Farrell, A. D., & Sullivan, T. N. (2016, October). Teen dating violence victimization in an urban sample of early adolescents: Measurement, prevalence, trajectories, and consequences. Final technical report for NIJ award: 2012-IJ-CX-0014. [Online].


Sullivan, T. N., Goncy, E. A., Garthe, R. C., Carlson, M. M., Behrhorst, K. L., & Farrell, A.D. (in press, 2019). Patterns of dating aggression and victimization in relation to school environment factors among middle school students. Youth and Society.



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