Student Presentations on Trauma
A prominent research focus of the HEART lab is on the mechanisms by which trauma is acquired from childhood, sexual violence, and military service. Many of the projects below investigate how these factors predict adverse outcomes for individuals and romantic couples. Additionally, many of our students investigate protective factors related to trauma.
Wheatley*, G., & Goncy, E. A. (2023, April). Childhood cancer, posttraumatic stress symptoms, and contributing factors. Poster for the 2023 Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Dongarra*, M., & Goncy, E. A. (2023, April). Perceptions of trauma across different scenarios of rape. Paper for the 2023 Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Dongarra*, M., & Goncy, E. A. (2023, April). Sexual double standards and attributing acquaintance rape responsibility. Paper for the 2023 Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Stropko-Jorgensen*, V., & Goncy, E. A. (2022, April). Interpersonal trauma rates for college aged students since the COVID-19 pandemic. Poster presentation to the 2022 Resilience Con conference, virtual.
Knickerbocker*, N., & Goncy, E. A. (2022, April). The interaction of resiliency with experiencing interpersonal trauma on different types of forgiveness. Poster presentation to the 2022 Resilience Con conference, virtual.
Dongarra*, M., & Goncy, E. A. (2022, April). Gender differences and perceptions on rape victims and perpetrators. Presentation to the 2022 Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Wheatley*, G. D., Akstens*, T. M., Dongarra*, M. & Goncy, E. A. (2022). The relationship between beliefs about sexual promiscuousness and blaming rape victims. Presentation to the 2022 virtual National Council on Undergraduate Research.
McDermott*, E., & Goncy, E. A. (2021, October). Relationship satisfaction as a protective factor against aggressive tendencies in military related couples with posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. Presented to the San Antonio Virtual Combat PTSD Conference, virtual.
Dieleman*, M., Knickerbocker*, N., & Goncy, E. A. (2021, April). Interpersonal versus other trauma: Association with fear of intimacy. Poster presentation to the 2021 Midwestern Psychological Association annual conference, virtual.
Knickerbocker*, N., Dieleman*, M., & Goncy, E. A. (2021, April). Are fear of intimacy and post-traumatic stress disorder correlated? Poster presentation to the 2021 Midwestern Psychological Association annual conference, virtual.
Breen*, H., & Goncy, E. A. (2021, April). Romantic relationship satisfaction may protect against PTSD symptoms. Poster presentation at the 93rd annual convention of the Midwestern Psychological Association, virtual.
Breen*, H. & Goncy, E. A. (2020, November). PTSD arousal symptoms mediate the relationship between adverse life experiences and dating abuse. Poster presented virtually at the 2020 International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Virtual conference.
Wolf*, N., & Goncy, E. A. (2020, November). Depression symptoms of victims of sexual violence: The exacerbating roles of self-blame and catastrophizing. Poster presented at the 2020 annual convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, virtual conference.
Scanlon*, N. E., Steiner*, M. C., Basting*, E. J., Goncy, E. A., & THRiVE collaborative. (2020, April). Prevalence of early sexual debut in traumatized sexual minority individuals. Poster presentation at the 92nd annual convention of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. (Conference cancelled)
Wolf*, N., Goncy, E. A., & Naser, S. (2020, April). The association between trauma, fighting and internalizing symptoms in adolescents. Poster presentation at the 92nd annual convention of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. (Conference cancelled)
Herman*, M., Scamaldo*, K., & Goncy, E. (2019, November). The moderating effect of trait forgiveness on the relationships between dating abuse and attitudes toward violence. Poster presented at the 2019 Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Atlanta, GA
Oleksy, E. M.*, & Goncy, E. A. (2019, April). The mediating role of fear of intimacy between trait forgiveness and PTSD for young adults. Oral presentation at the 2019 National Conference for Undergraduate Research, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA.
Dunn*, C., & Goncy, E. A. (2019, April). Do cognitive emotion regulation responses protect against alcohol misuse when PTS symptoms are present? Oral presentation at the 2019 Midwestern Psychological Association conference, Chicago, IL.